Kensington Estates Board of Members
Meeting September 28, 2020 ~ 10:30 a.m.
Held at Plainfield Public Library
Present: Susan Poland (thru 2021), Vicky Wilson (thru 2021), Jody Belton (thru 2022) and Linda Rasner (thru 2022) and Susan Keene, PSG
Main purpose: To meet with Susan Keene to revise the 2021 budget and learn what the penalty for early withdrawal would be if we cashed the Certificate of Deposit in. Prior to delving into this, we discussed that on Saturday September 19 (after the Kensington Condominiums Co-Owners Association annual meeting), the four Board Members met and agreed that Vicky Wilson would be President, and that Jody Belton would be Secretary. Today we all agreed that Susan Poland would serve as Vice President (this is for purposes of acting in the absence of our President). We discussed that the By-Laws call for 5 Board of Members and that we only have 4 at this time. We agreed that we need to add a male but will hold off on that for now.
Susan Keene shared a report showing the 2020 budget, the original 2021 proposed budget (that was not approved at the annual meeting) and the high expense per line for each expense area over the past couple of years. Susan also shared that she contacted Indiana Members Credit Union and learned that the penalty for early withdrawal on our CD is .08% which would equate to about $159 plus ½ cent per day. We all agreed that we should proceed with cashing it in so that those funds are available to move back to Edward Jones after the Investment Committee makes recommendations to the Board Members on Wednesday.
We then proceeded with the discussion of our priorities and responsibilities as it relates to the revising the 2021 Budget. Susan Keene will email all of us the figures that we discussed for our feedback. Once we all agree, the revised 2021 budget will be shared with the Co-Owners for their vote along with a newsletter updating them on our Board Members’ discussions and planned meeting dates.
· Susan Keene mentioned that we are in a 3-year contract for mowing with 2 years remaining. It is believed that the contract only covers 26 weeks of mowing, weeding, and blow off plus 4 rounds of fertilization (2 in the spring, 2 in the fall).
· It was mentioned that we took down over 100 trees in the past few years and that more trees need planted (some condos do not have any trees). Each tree is about $350 each.
· We discussed the issues of concern regarding mulch (too much, not enough, all around the condo units, etc.) and issues regarding the trimming of shrubs. We have 40 singles in our 65 unites and most of those are women or elderly men that are not able to do this type of work in their yards. We also discussed the need to clean, spruce up and add mulch to our common areas (Boulevard and Circle) before this winter. We voted to budget for trimming of all shrubs and mulch all condo front landscape areas.
· We discussed snow removal and the need for front porches and steps to be cleared. The contract covers for 3” of snow
We have scheduled the following Board meetings:
· Thursday October 15 and Thursday October 29 at 10:30 a.m. at the Plainfield Library
It was agreed that Jody Belton would be responsible for working with Brandon to update our web site.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Jody Belton, KECOA Secretary
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